A downloadable tank for Windows

What is it about?

Army of skulls is coming from space, trying to conquer the world. You're the only one human left, and your task is to kill them all! Jump into the tank and drive endless road of obstacles. Try your best to survive. fu ...Tank Them!

Why does this game have so many bugs?

To be honest, this is my first project on Unity EVER. Moreover, some fundamental things cause bugs, so if I try to correct them, I'll need to fully redo the game and I'm a bit lazy to do that. I have been creating this game while learning Unity basics, so don't judge me strictly guys, have fun :D.

Am I going to create the final (release) version?

Right now - nope. I'm thinking of a normal game which will be free and will be finished project, so for now, you will have only this from me.


TankThem! v0.9.zip 28 MB

Install instructions

How to play:

1) Download the zip-file
2) Unpack everything in one folder
3) Run TankThem!.exe (It will have the same icon as here)
4) Enjoy :)

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